
Here you’ll find a range of activities related to Astley Hall and it’s events – there’s lots to enjoy!


We’d love to see your creations, so why not share them with us using #AstleyCreative on Facebook or Instagram

Christmas Fun

National Storytelling Week

There is lots of fun to be had during National Storytelling Week, 30 January to 6 February 2021.


You can watch our stories from Astley Hall, which you can find on our Facebook page or get creative using the worksheets below.

Make puppets or write a story yourself using ‘The Enormous Turnip’ worksheet here.


Take part in our Astley Hall Story Maker activity – all you need is one dice, a pen, paper and our worksheet here.

Astley Hall Story Maker Worksheet

Enormous Turnip

A Deadly Question

Captain One-Eye

Who is Judith?

Lord & Lady Derby

Winter Pruning

Animal Activities

Why not get creative by creating your own bunny mask or maybe you could create a bird feeder.


Take a look at our bunny mask template, our Astley Park Kids Wildlife Activity Booklet or our Making a flying bird worksheet to get you started.


If you’re planning to visit the park or elsewhere to do some activities, please adhere to the latest COVID-19 guidance

Saltdough Creations

Make and decorate some everlasting cupcakes using saltdough with the help of our worksheet.

Saltdough Cupcakes
Bunny Mask Template
Bird cake activity
Bird activity